Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chapter 2

#6. How does technology provide feedback to support learning?
Interactive computer software and educational websites, intelligent tutoring systems, and even simple learning machines provide rapid electronic feedback to students. For instance, in some programs, when a student answers correctly, they are allowed to move on. When the student answers incorrectly, the program suggests clues and hints in order to help solve the question. If the student still continues to miss the question, the program will adjust the level of difficulty, till the student is caught up.

I like the Visual Dictionary Online ( I think this is a great idea, it gives a detailed picture of the word you are looking up.  It doesn't have every word, but it what it does have is beneficial, especially to the younger student. I am going to start using this website with my 1st and 5th grader at home.

I am intimidated by technology. It has become one of my concerns, as a future teacher. I consider myself to be old-school, or a technology immigrant. After reading this chapter, I became enlightened by the endless possibilities that technology has to offer. It can be used as an inspiration to students. If used in the right way, it can be instrumental in the teaching/learning process. Students can work independently or in groups. Positive feedback and creativity is reinforced. The visual learning aspects are incredible. Interactive videos and 3D visuals make difficult subjects comprehensible. I have viewed technology as my enemy, but it's actually quite the opposite. Technology can be one of the best tools I have in my classroom. I also found out that test scores went up, after students started using computers. I really like this book, I like all the examples of websites that they offer.

1 comment:

  1. Technology can be scary, especially for those who might have had a negative experience with it and/or never had the 'proper' introduction - stick with it though! You will build more comfort as you experiment freely and recognize the benefits for learning.

    That visual dictionary is pretty amazing, isn't it!? :)
